Emitting sectors
Explore the key challenges of decarbonizing the five major emitting sectors responsible for the majority of global emissions.

Power and Grids
The power sector has several well-established and mature zero-carbon technologies; however, support for the deployment of emerging solutions, including those that are still unproven at scale, will be needed if the power sector is to stay on track to net zero.
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Industry and Materials
Manufacturing, producing basic materials and other industrial activities account for about a quarter of annual global CO₂ emissions. This includes energy-intensive processes such as steelmaking, refining of chemicals and fuels and making consumer and other goods.
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The movement of people and goods via cars, buses, ships, planes and other forms of transportation accounts for one-seventh of total global CO₂ emissions each year. Within transportation, emissions from road vehicles has been rising sharply, particularly as developing nations put more cars on the roads.
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The buildings sector is responsible for a large share of global emissions, but retrofitting existing buildings with low-carbon heating and cooling technologies and requiring efficiency standards in new builds can reduce this share. Heat pumps are a mature, efficient heating technology with the potential to play a significant role in lowering the sector's carbon footprint.
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As developing countries grow, demand for food overall and for food with higher protein levels rises. This creates a pressing need for sustainable agriculture solutions that address the emissions challenge while not hampering economic growth.
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